[ultimate_heading main_heading=”FREE AERIAL FRIDAY!” heading_tag=”h1″ alignment=”left” spacer=”no_spacer” spacer_position=”top” spacer_img_width=”48″ line_style=”solid” line_height=”1″ line_color=”#333333″ icon_type=”selector” icon_size=”32″ icon_style=”none” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ img_width=”48″ line_icon_fixer=”10″ sub_heading_color=”#1e73be”]July Featured County: Fulton County, IL[/ultimate_heading]
Own 100+ Acres in the Featured County? We will fly your propery with our drone and give you free high definition professional grade aerials pictures. No cost, no committment. Simple as that.
These are not the old airplane aerial shots that you are used to. We have a professional grade drone that captures stills and videos in up to 4K High Definition! We can control the on board video camera with our phone to get the perfect shot! Because they are shot in such high resolution, they blow up into oversized prints without losing any quality!
[ultimate_heading main_heading=”SUBMIT YOUR PROPERTY ” heading_tag=”h2″ alignment=”center” spacer=”line_with_icon” spacer_position=”top” spacer_img_width=”48″ line_style=”solid” line_height=”1″ line_color=”#333333″ icon_type=”selector” icon=”fa fa-list-alt” icon_size=”25″ icon_style=”square” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ img_width=”48″ line_icon_fixer=”10″ icon_color=”#1e73be” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff”]Just give us some basic info and we can handle the rest![/ultimate_heading]