

    Mature whitetail bucks are my passion. I have dedicated decades learning how to grow, hold, and harvest trophy whitetails. I have harvested over 30 Pope & Young Whitetails with 1/3 of them reaching Boone & Crockett Standards.


    Leaning on decades of knowledge and individual success.

    As landowners and land managers ourselves, our passion for designing & managing properties to maximize their potential for whitetail hunting runs deep. Our overarching philosophy on whitetail design and management is simple but rare. We absorb as much educational information as we can, but then apply a boots on the ground approach to give us confidence that we are providing our clients with tested and proven tactics that have produced results. We measure our success not just on meeting the goals of our clients, but also on our constant ability to push the bar, explore new tactics, and achieve unparalleled results on our own properties. It is those achievements that will lead us into tomorrow as a leader and innovator in whitetail design and management.

    You will often hear us refer to many of our services as Objective Driven. If you don’t establish objectives, you don’t have a foundation on which to determine success or failure. So for us, every project big or small starts with a meeting of the minds. Sometimes this is quick and easy, and sometimes it is the most difficult part of the project. But without question, it is the most important step. In the current hunting environment where everyone believes success is measured in inches, our success comes instead from designing a property that gives you joy. Many times that is growing and harvesting Boone and Crockett deer, but just as many times it is creating the habitat that will provide harvest opportunities for multiple mature bucks or designing a property that will capture and hold the interest of children or relatives.

    Even after the success I have had individually harvesting trophy whitetails, for me, the pinnacle of whitetail hunting is seeing a design and management plan produce its expected results. Our promise to our clients is simple. We will use everything at our disposal to create a design and management plan that will produce the results you are looking for. We will be honest with you about our successes, failures, and limitations. And we will continue to push the bar on our properties, so we can transfer proven tactics to your property.

    – Ryan Pudik
    Managing Partner | LandCo


    Get in touch any way you want! Text or call 309-256-0999.  Email Click the live chat button on the bottom of this page.  Or simply fill out this form and we will be in touch to set up a phone call!